About Sabrina Malter
Creating a business environment where everyone makes their
within the organization and beyond
is my passion.
I love to challenge, encourage, and support organizations and individuals who embark on their growth journey.
I believe in the power of Lean Thinking and a courageous learning culture where everyone brings in their creativity and questions, and strives together towards a
compelling vision.
My clients describe me as a passionate and empathetic Consultant, Lean Kata Coach and Coach-the-Coach.
Out of my 25 years of professional experience in the pharmaceutical industry, 10 were focused on leadership and organizational development, business transformation, and strategric planning. I am a scientist by training (M.Sc., The Open University, UK) with further enducational background in Leadership Coaching (Queensland University of Technology, Australia), Leading Change (Durham University, UK), Professional Resilience (Deakin University, Australia), and Lean Leadership & Culture (KBJ Anderson Consulting Integrand LLC).
I am convinced that leadership and culture are the crucial factors in achieving the results we long for and need. I believe in human-centered leadership that is characterized by respect for people and promotes mutual trust and courage.
My special strengths are
Enabeling organizations to create a vision that infuces the whole organization with energy day by day and to develop a hand's.on strategy and method to strive in this direction.
Strengthening teams and individuals to pause, reflect, learn and grow.
Accelerating personal growth and cultural transformation across organizations based on 'creative consciousness' self-awareness and boosting human skills, like listening, asking effective questions and building courage and trust.